Today I am starting my 5th year of college! This is exciting and scary.
I am taking 17 hours this semester which will be a challenge but I am really looking to this semester because I am taking classes that I WANT to take, not classes that UNM thinks would benefit me or just a way to make money. I have 2 studio art classes, both in ceramics and 2 English workshops. Those 4 classes are my main focus for the next 5 months! I also an taking another English class which I have no idea what it is and a tumbling class so we will see how that goes. I will tell you all a secret- I can not even do a cart wheel so this will be interesting. I am sure I will have funny stories to share or posts in pain since I am sure I will hurt myself. I also am in class 4 days a week so long weekends! This is awesome.
The scary part about almost being done with my undergrad program is that I am almost done. I don't know of many jobs out there in my field now and are dwindling because of the internet and the fact that book stores are closing. What kind of a future does that leave me? I guess I am old school in the fact I would rather go buy a CD than buy an album on iTunes or other music sites. Saying that, I would also rather go and buy a book that I can hold, highlight phrases, dog ear pages but the future is not so tangible for these CDs and books. Technology is taking over and I only wonder what our lives look like in 5 or even 10 years. Good thing I am becoming comfortable and this blog is helping me transfer and change my thinking of having each individual thing rather than everything being held in my MacBook.
Well, I am off to school, excited and nervous for what today will hold, this semester and my future.
Best wishes to all my fellow students and hopefully your semester excites you!
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